Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's your favorite nocturnal creature?

Okay... that was a rhetorical question. Don't actually answer that.

Ah, the night sky. Don't you just love it? The way the stars pop against the- wait... what did you say? You've never noticed because you sleep at night? What is wrong with you?

Staying up late at night is one of this world's hidden treasures. And, if you classify "late" as 9:30-10:00 pm, then this post is clearly not for you.

The solitude and silence that comes with staying up late is actually kind of empowering in a way. You almost feel like you can do anything and get away with it because it's dark out. Now, don't take this the wrong way and think that I go around stealing stuff at night. That's not what I'm trying to say. Here's an example...

Have you ever tried laying down in the middle of the street in the afternoon? Difficult, isn't it? Now, try it at around one in the morning. You may be thinking, "That's all pavement, though. It's not comfy!" Well, comfy-ness is not what you're after. It's the feeling of freedom that comes with laying down in the middle of the road.

That is what I'm trying to convey in this post. The way you feel when you stay up late at night. In my experience, it's when I get a lot of stuff done. Most of my songs were written either late at night or right at the crack of dawn. Ideas for stories only seem to come along at night. I make posts online, as you can obviously tell since all of my posts so far have come during the early AM hours.

When I get into a cycle where I can't stay awake at night, I feel cheated. Cheated out of something as awesome as an all-nighter. I suggest that everyone try it at least once, and do not... I repeat... DO NOT miss the sunrise in the morning. It is a great thing to witness first-hand. Even still, the few hours after the initial sunrise are great. The air outside just seems so fresh and clean and you just want to run outside and breath it all in before all the car exhaust contaminates it.

There are some cons, though. For example, if you live with room-mates. If you're too loud at night, they may just kick your ass out.

To wrap it up: The world at night is something to behold. At least try it once. If you won't do it for yourself, then at least do it for me...


FOUR very contagious yawns out of five.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who's that kid? You know, the one from that movie...

...he plays that awkward teen that wants to get the girl but just can't because he's not man enough.

What. Is. His. Name.

Oh, Michael Cera, that's right. This guy just pisses me off. He plays the exact same character every time he is on camera.

This whole thing started with that Arrested Development show he was on. I'm not saying it's a bad show, but having this guy on it just brings it down a notch for me. I know what you're thinking, "How did you know about Cera when this was the first big thing he was on?". Well, slow your roll there, captain judge-a-lot. I didn't even see a single episode of Arrested Development until a few months ago. I've watched a few of Cera's movies before, and they all suck.

Superbad? Terrible. It was just penis joke after penis joke. Some of the laziest writing I have ever seen.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist? Mediocre at best.

Juno? Actually, this one was okay. Only because Ellen Paige had to carry him through the entire film.

But, it's the same thing in each one. He's the awkward kid who knows nothing about the opposite sex, and he longs to get the girl.

But wait a minute... what is this?

Well, now. A chance for Michael to get out of this rut, eh? Okay let's see how it goes...

...What a surprise, he's the exact same character! It never changes with this guy. It is that which makes me hate him.

I've seen the previews for this new movie of his, "Youth In Revolt" where he plays... go on, guess. The awkward teen! But, there's more this time. He has a second persona as a "bad boy" of sorts. Well, at least he's not the awkward kid all the way through the film. However, it's still not enough to make me want to watch it.

To wrap it up, I hate Michael Cera. He's yet to have a role that really tests his range as an actor. Maybe he will someday... and maybe someday Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Sandman will stop drinking.

Michael Cera receives:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Villabouts of the Wherein Kelly

      Frisky Dingo (which I may misspell as Dongo a few times, just bare with me) was made by 7030 productions. It ran for two seasons on Cartoon Network's [adult swim] late night block.

Okay, enough of the boring set-up, let's get right to the meat and potatos of this bad boy. This is one of the funniest damn shows I have ever seen. The dialogue is so well written, I thought I may go blind. Laughs? I'm swimming in them. And yes, I did just steal two jokes from that very show. Why? Because being unoriginal works for me.

The show is about Killface, and his quest to complete his creation, The Annihilatrix, and push our vile planet into the sun. And also Zander Crews is there.

The man at the top of this post is Xander Crews. If you don't know anything about him, you'd better just leave right now. NO, WAIT! DON'T! I was just kidding. You're still here, right? Okay. Anyway, this is one of the greatest characters ever written into a television show. His lines sound like they're lifted right out of my mouth. A lot of the characters are written that way. It all reminds me a lot of how my friends and I talk to each other. I want to meet the writers of this show and shake their hands and/or give them money. Although I don't have much money to give.

Honestly, I don't know much else about the story of this show. All I know is that it is incredibly hilarious. I doubt it's on the [adult swim] line up very often (if at all) anymore. However, it is available for purchase on the DVD. That's right, DVD. Not this new-fangled Blu-ray that everyone's clamoring about.


Now, before I wrap this up, let me explain my rating system. Everything I review will be rated. I mean, if I'm not rating what I review, why would I even have this thing? My rating system works like this, it's an "Out-of-5" system, but not like "3.5/5". No, that's been done, and it's boring. Instead, I'll be taking an aspect of whatever I'm reviewing (a band's guitar, a show's character, etc...) and use that, out of 5.


Alright, so. FRISKY DINGO receives...

5 WELCOME TO YOU'RE "DOOM" postcards out of 5.

Congratulations Frisky Dingo and 7030 Productions, the first recipient of my "Five-High" award. Awarded to whatever gets a 5 whatevers out of 5.